Thursday, June 25, 2009

God and Me

By Theodore R. Goyins, III

I know you are reading this and saying, "Why did he not capitalize the "m" in the word me of the title. It is simple, the God I serve and the life I live is bigger than me. I have come to terms that my life is not my own and it serves a greater purpose. I have and will continue to capitalize Him and see that He remains a constant in my everyday living. This past year has taught me a lot and reiterated the phrase "Depend on God and not man". I personally have caught myself in business situations where I have relied more heavily on man than who really has control. This past year I have had a few friends who have definitely kept me sane and optimistic of what the future holds. But when I am home, it is just God and me. Just little old me and a God who created the entire earth in 7 days. So how can man live up to this level of greatness?


Thoughts of TRG3 Collection , copyright © 2009
Any unauthorized reproduction of the Thoughts of TRG3 Collection is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Love Hangover

By Theodore R. Goyins, III

Woke up in a panic, discovering that you weren't there
The smell of you lingers
Wondering what events took place the night before
It seems as if this day has come over and over again
Each day the symptoms becoming more evident
I've tried and tried to take remedies to rid of the evidence
The evidence of what was once here and has continued now for some time
As if you were to give me something that keeps me yearning for more
Your touch and tenderness carries me into the next day
I am dizzy from the thought of you and constantly trying to rid of this feeling
But I am addicted to everything about you, so I get high from just your scent


Thoughts of TRG3 Collection , copyright © 2009
Any unauthorized reproduction of the Thoughts of TRG3 Collection is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Live Backwards

By Theodore R. Goyins, III

If I could start at 100 years of age and work backwards I would
I could see my end from the beginning
I would see how my whole life would play out and there would be no question about who I was to become.
And they say that women age better than men do
So my love I could meet you in the middle and we shall enjoy our lives together.
I would hate for you to see me to grow old but only for you to see me grow younger.
To live backwards I would grow younger as my kids grew older making it easier for me to keep up as they ran about.


Thoughts of TRG3 Collection , copyright © 2009
Any unauthorized reproduction of the Thoughts of TRG3 Collection is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Change from Me

By Theodore R. Goyins, III

Sometimes we look in the mirror and we see a stranger.
We do not recognize the person we have become and what actions caused us to become this way.
Life changing situations and time have transformed what once was.
A person of perfection and eager not to make any mistakes.
One who sought out to do things so differently.
We thought we would be on top of the world by now.
But everybody goes through tough seasons and times of acting out of character.
We are only able to determine we are acting out of character by being aware of who we really are.Who we really are is not the person you see now, the one making irrational decisions or acting how you would view me to act.
But in fact I may make some irrational decisions but out of it comes rational experiences for the next decision to be made.


Thoughts of TRG3 Collection , copyright © 2009
Any unauthorized reproduction of the Thoughts of TRG3 Collection is strictly prohibited.